Vote for the Deady Version

Use the menu in the upper left or the search bar to find a song and vote for the deady version! What's the "deady version"? Whatever that means to you! It could be the best version, your favorite version, the version that sounds the most like the Grateful Dead, or just a version you enjoy.

This site includes pages for each of the top fifty-ish most-played songs in D&C's repertoire. That includes every song the band has played 30 or more times, plus a few personal and fan favorites... you'll have to listen to all three Wang Dang Doodles and decide which is best without our help. To vote on the next songs we add, write in your suggestion in the box below!

Additionally, check out the embedded playlist if you're looking for a few hours of certified top performances, as voted on by you!

Top 5 Performances (by total votes)